
Our research investigates how neural circuits are wired during development and how they give rise to complex behaviors. We focus primarily on the maturation of neural circuits for learning. We seek to elucidate conserved mechanisms that underlie age-dependent changes in spontaneous and sensory-evoked neural activity, neural connectivity, and learning capability. 
Our research takes advantage of the powerful genetic tools, compact nervous system, and short lifespan of the model organism Drosophila melanogaster (the humble fruit fly). We employ a wide range of techniques, including state-of-the-art in vivo functional imaging, anatomical studies, targeted genetic manipulations, genomics, and behavioral analysis, to better understand the neurodevelopmental mechanisms that produce robust learning.

Previously, we identified a novel form of ongoing, spontaneous neural activity specifically in the fly learning and memory center, the mushroom body, of young animals. 
Fly under a microscope with high levels of ongoing neural activity in the mushroom body learning center
Moreover, we found that young flies learn poorly, and their ability to form and retain learned associations improves with age. Juvenile hormone, a crucial developmental regulator similar to vertebrate thyroid hormones, acts transiently in the mushroom body during a young animal sensitive period to decrease spontaneous neural activity. Critically, this hormone signaling is required for robust learning in mature animals. This work offered exciting insights into the maturation of neural circuits and behavior.
Neural activity decreases and robust learning behavior emerges with age
Our ongoing work builds on this foundation and addresses the following enduring questions about the development of the brain and behavior:
(1)   How do hormone signaling and spontaneous neural activity alter cell morphology and connectivity in learning and memory brain regions? (Anatomy and genetics/genomics)

(2)   How does hormone signaling improve learning and memory? (Animal behavior) 
(3)   How do hormonally-induced learning circuit changes refine neural representations of the sensory environment? (Neural activity in behaving flies)

Integrating the answers to these questions will explain how spontaneous neural activity and hormonal signaling in young animals coordinate proper wiring of neural circuits, thereby producing long-lasting changes in how brains encode the sensory environment. Together, these actions profoundly shape animal behavior and learning abilities across the lifespan. Ultimately, our research improves our understanding of fundamental developmental processes, which may go awry in autism, schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

For more on current projects, to discuss how your interests might intersect with ours, and opportunities to join our lab, please be in touch!

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